16 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You to Be Successful
When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. Joe Namath
“The future depends on what you do today.” Mahatma Gandhi
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. — Confucius
Leonardo da Vinci – “The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”
Act with Courage
Speak only of Positive things
Speak to yourself in an Encouraging way
Speak with Confidence
Act with Hope
Act with Positivity
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. – Lance Armstrong
No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having an amazingly good future if you will walk by faith in God. God loves you! He wants you to live with victory over sin so you can possess His promises for your life today! Joyce Meyer
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. — George Addair
People always tell you, ‘Be humble. Be humble.’ When was the last time someone told you to be amazing? Be great! Be great! Be awesome! Be awesome! Kanye West